Host families
Find the right au pair for you
Why call on the help of an Au Pair:
Having help
Having help to look after your children on a daily basis when you are not able to, or just as a support when you are in need of it.
Flexibility and convenience
Flexibility and convenience. More than a nanny, an au pair allows you more practical hours, his/her presence every day brings great flexibility.
A motivated youth
A motivated youth who comes from a foreign country to improve his/her level in your language and discover your country, your culture and your family.
Enjoy an experience
Enjoy an unforgettable experience with your au pair. He/she will share special moments and be like a big brother/sister to your children.
Being able to trust
Being able to trust your au pair who has a certain experience in childcare and knowing that your children are safe.
A special relationship
A special relationship with your au pair, who will take care of your children and give them support and personal development.
What is an Au Pair ?
An Au Pair is a young foreign woman or man who comes to help you with the daily care of your children and the small household tasks related to them. It is important to remember that the au pair is not a domestic worker, he/she will clean up after him/herself and your children but will not do your housework. His/her role will be to take care of the children, pick them up from school, help them with their homework, make them eat, play etc...
Your au pair will be part of your family during his/her stay. He/she will be provided with food, accommodation, laundry and will look after your children in return for a small fee. This immersion will allow him/her to improve his/her language skills in the best way, by living with your family on a daily basis. Consider him/her as a full member of your family.
This immersion will allow him/her to improve his/her level in your language in the best way, living with your family on a daily basis. Consider him/her as a full member of the family. For young children not attending school and in your absence, it will be necessary to arrange another way to look after them (grandparents, nursery...), so the number of working hours of your au pair does not exceed the maximum allowed in the country.

What you need to know
The working time of an au pair is fixed between 25 and 35 hours per week, depending on the host country. You will have to provide your au pair with a free private room. You will set up a standard timetable and give them pocket money every week. Your au pair will have at least 2 days off per week (week-ends) and one week of paid holiday every 4 months. It is necessary to give him/her time off to take language courses. You will pay for the cost of your au pair's travels (transport or petrol of the car), necessarily those related to the children but also the rest, within the limits of reason.
Au pairing is above all a human experience, your au pair will be like an older brother/sister, share and involve him/her in your family life, do not consider him/her as a domestic worker.
Costs to be expected
Other costs are to be expected:
- You will have to give your au pair pocket money, between 80€ and 100€ every week.
Plus overtime if there is any.
- Tickets for public transport, their season pass or petrol for their car. You must take out
insurance for your au pair.
- You must take out insurance for your au pair.
- Some countries also have costs/taxes related to the declaration of the au pair. You
have to ask your local authorities for information (we can also answer you according
to your country).
- It is of course also important to take into consideration the additional cost of another
person living with you.
IMPORTANT: In some countries, by registering your au pair with the tax authorities you can deduct part of his/her "salary" from your tax return. Find out more!

Requirements for placements
- You have children over 12 months to babysit
- You have a private room to host an au pair
- You have a transport facility nearby for his or her travels
You, the parents, have empty criminal records
- You are properly insured to host your au pair
- You have notified his/her arrival to the necessary services in your country
Respect and balance
The au pairing is between a professional contract and a family life, so everyone will have to respect their commitments and the rules, but everyday life is made of little arrangements and compromises. We have to say that this applies to both parties, never one more than the other, it is a balance to be found, but as long as there is RESPECT, this balance will fall into place by itself.

Steps for your placement
- 1 - Pre-register on our website to receive a Host Family registration file.
- 2 - Complete your file and collect the necessary documents.
- 3 - Au Pair & Lu approves your file and presents you to au pairs files that fit your request.
- 4 - You select profiles that interest you and we submit your file to them.
- 5 - If the au pair is also interested in your file, organise a video call to get to know each other.
- 6 - Confirm the placement with your au pair and sign the hosting contract.
- 7 - Take out insurance for your Au Pair and register him/her with the necessary authorities.
- 8 - Host your Au Pair and start a great adventure.
We have the right answers
A question ? We answer
You must have children older than one year, provide a private room in your house for your au pair and pay him/her pocket money every Friday. You should be aware that your au pair will live with you every day, will be part of your life and will share good and bad moments with you. Be open-minded and warm, make your au pair part of your family and treat him/her as a member of your family
It depends, there are 2 possibilities, either the au pair does not exceed the maximum number of hours of the country and the family has to find another way to take care of the children ( nursery, grandparents) or the au pair makes more hours but because of this it will be necessary to increase his/her salary
There are no rules, you should choose an au pair with whom you feel comfortable, he/she will live with you for several months and you should know your children are safe. On the other hand, the perfect au pair does not exist, you should not be too demanding, the differences will enrich your family.
We advise you to discuss the problem openly with your au pair first, if this is not conclusive we can also try to resolve the conflict. If the situation cannot be solved, we will try to find another au pair and another family for your au pair (or help him/her if he/she wants to return), so you and your au pair will have to give 15 days' notice to give us time to find a new one.